Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rambachan assures critics of accountability for Constituency Development Fund

Dr Suruj Rambachan
Local Government Minister Dr Surujrattan Rambachan said on Tuesday the $410 million Constituency Development Fund is not to be used for "wine and jam" activities.Rambachan made the point in response to criticism of the fund by Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley and other critics who have suggested that the money would be wasted.

The fund provides $10 million to each MP in the country to use for developing his/her constituency according to the most pressing needs. Rambachan spoke with reporters after a tour of the Penal and Siparia Markets. He made it clear that MPs would have to give a proper report of how they spend the money.

"So money will not be used for wine and jam activities. It will be used for the development of the constituency and the interest of the people," he stated. 

He added, "We have gone further in the Caribbean now than perhaps most of the countries...when a Member of Parliament has $10 million available to him or her now, it means to say that the Member of Parliament cannot keep telling a constituent 'well I can't do anything for you' so therefore this has created more accountability as a representative of the people. 

"It means also that people will be able to judge this Member of Parliament on this basis and that is what people have wanted to do for a long time."

Rambachan said despite concerns raised by Rowley and others concerning how the monies will be spent, there is legislation and agencies in place to supervise the expenditure of this money.

"You have all the checks and balances. Remember this is not just a fund for Members of Parliament of the People's Partnership. It goes across the board. So everybody has access to this $10 million. 

"You have checks and balances. Firstly, you have legislation which will be put in place to govern the spending of these funds, or how they are audited, you have the Auditor General who will be able to audit the Ministry of Local Government, the Ministry of Finance, or to audit these finances. You have the Integrity Commission, which is there to ensure that no misuse of public funds takes place," Rambachan explained.

He said the fund is needed in today's changing world. "You must remember that we are dealing with a different type of constituent today. You are dealing with a constituent who wants an instant coffee type solution to his problem. A constituent who is fed up of the promises made, and want to see action," he said.

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai