Wednesday, August 8, 2012

George to undertake "budget" tours (from GISL)

From Government Information Services Limited (
Works and Infrastructure  Minister Emmanuel George and junior works minister Stacy Roopnarine on tour. Photo courtesy
In order to determine the areas which should receive priority in the 2012-2013 budget, the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure has undertaken a series of tours throughout Trinidad and Tobago.

In addition to the tours, line Minister Emmanuel George has also written to all Members of Parliament (MPs) asking for a list of areas which receive priority in each constituency.

George made the announcement as he toured several locations in the Caroni Central area.

"Our intention is to work alongside the MPs and with their support bring on board all the challenges of the larger infrastructural needs and to see how we can get the funding for them in the budget, in the first place and after getting the funding to give out contracts to begin work," George said.

George, who toured the Princess Town and Moruga/Tableland areas two weeks ago, said while the infrastructural needs for those two communities could amount to close to a billion dollars each, the issues identified in the Caroni Central area would not cost nearly as much.

After touring the area, George said a landslip along the Ckickland/Caparo Road would be prioritised, as it threatened to separate the residents and communities on either side as it linked the communities of St Marys/Freeport, Flannigan Town, Todds Road and others to and from the Borough.

He assured too that while landslips would be placed at the top of his ministry's priority list, it would not be given “cosmetic work”.

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Jai & Sero

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