Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Photo story: Images of Jamaica's independence celebration

PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar and her spouse witness the 50th anniversary celebrations 
KINGSTON, JAMAICA - Besides the fifty years of diplomatic relations which Trinidad and Tobago shares with its Caribbean neighbour Jamaica, this year both Commonwealth nations also celebrate their Golden Anniversary of Independence. 

Prime Minister the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar last night (Monday) joined colleague woman leader the Most Honourable Portia Simpson-Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica at the National Stadium, Kingston for the Jamaica 50 Grand Gala – the island’s main Independence event.

Thousands of proud Jamaicans flocked to the Independence Gala which featured military marching bands and a creative display of Jamaican culture.

Other special guests attending the event included:
  • President of the Republic of South Africa Jacob Zuma
  • Prime Minister of Guyana Samuel Hinds
  • Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice of the United Kingdom Kenneth Clarke
  • General Colin Powell, former Secretary of State of the United States of America, representing President Barack Obama
  • Yvette Clarke, United States Congresswoman
  • Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, secretary general of the Caribbean Community
Jamaica's Governor General Sir Patrick Allen, Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller and Opposition Leader Andrew Holness also attended the Grand gala.

Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar was delighted to have been part of the event. She said: “I was truly honoured to have the opportunity to unite with the people of Jamaica as they celebrated their 50th anniversary of Independence. 

"Like Trinidad and Tobago, the Jamaican people are brimming with national pride. The country’s successes at the London Olympics have heightened their exuberance as the nation celebrates its Golden Jubilee Independence."
(Story supplied by Office of the Prime Minister, Trinidad)

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