Monday, August 6, 2012

Letter: Media reports of crime plan biased against Jack Warner

The Editor,

I am truly fed up with some people being deliberately mischievous and convenient with the truth about serious matters just to score political points.
I am also very disappointed in the level of journalism from most so-called reporters and media houses. 
Understanding of plain English seems to be a widespread problem.

When Minister Jack Warner told businessmen last week there is no "Warner Plan" for crime he was very explicit in that he never said there was "no plan".
He was clear that there is a plan being put together and it is not being composed by Jack Warner alone, but by a host of persons including experts and technocrats in the Ministry of National Security and persons from the national community and therefore he is not claiming ownership of the plan. 

He was also clear that it could not be called the Warner Plan because it is not Jack Warner who has to implement it on the ground. It is the police and other law enforcement agencies that will implement.
Thirdly, it is not Jack Warner's plan but our plan as a nation because we need to take ownership of it and we must embrace our respective roles. A big part of the problem, as Warner has been saying, is that everybody wants to stand back and fold their arms believing that is it someone else's job to clean up the mess we have created together as a society.
And a major reason why our society was able to disintegrate to such lowly depths is because of idle and selfish people just talking stupidness in public forums or posturing for some hidden agenda.

Claudia Ali | Chaguanas

The above letter is in response to an editorial in Monday's Express newspaper

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