Tuesday, July 17, 2012


TORONTO, ON - Senator Roméo Dallaire has launched a campaign on Change.org in support of Omar Khadr's return to Canada. The quickly-growing petition was started Thursday and already has more than 16,700 supporters.

Omar Khadr, Guantanamo's youngest and last western prisoner, pleaded guilty to war crimes in connection with a 2002 firefight in Afghanistan that killed U.S. Sgt. Christopher Speer.
Omar Khadr

In return Khadr was given an 8-year sentence, one year of which would be served in Guantanamo, and written assurance from the Canadian Government that it would favourably consider his return to Canada to complete the sentence. 

U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta signed off on Khadr's release in April 2012, but Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews has yet to decide about Khadr's return.

Dallaire's petition on Change.org, started just weeks before the 10th anniversary of Khadr’s capture, asks the Canadian Government to honour the plea deal they made with Khadr.

“There can be no doubt that the case of Omar Khadr taints this government, this country and all of its citizens,” Dallaire said. “It is a simple fact of fulfilling a promise; you either sign the deal and you implement it, or you go against the deal and lose your credibility as being a fair negotiator with your closest ally.”

Dallaire, known for commanding the 1994 UN Peacekeeping Mission in Rwanda, is a vocal opponent against the use of child soldiers and founded the Child Soldiers Initiative based at Dalhousie University. He has worked closely with Khadr's lawyers and advocates to re-focus public attention on the infamous case of one of the world's highest-profile child soldiers.

“My hope is by using this petition, and leveraging social media, we can engage with Canadians everywhere to help build a tidal wave of support for Omar Khadr’s return,” said Dallaire. “It is my sincere belief that if all Canadians coalesce, we can change the face of politics in this country, and ultimately the world.

“Not only is the patience of our closest ally wearing thin, but the world has been watching Canada's missteps in this case.”

"Change.org is an open platform that anyone, anywhere can use to start and win campaigns for social change, said Lauryn Drainie, a campaigner wtih Change.org. "Roméo Dallaire is one of Canada's most respected humanitarians and we are thrilled that someone of his stature has decided to use the platform for an issue they care about so deeply."

Live signature totals from Roméo Dallaire's campaign:

For more information on Change.org, please visit:
Change.org is the world’s fastest-growing platform for social change — growing by nearly two million new members a month, and empowering millions of people to start, join, and win campaigns for social change in their community, city and country.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai