Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Letter: Jack is in the right track to root out crime in T&T

Mr Warner’s first act as Minister of National Security has created much furore among the public including past and present members of the Partnership. In fact he reminded me of Randolph Burroughs looking on at the recent demolition of the Re-Route Camp. All he needed in hand was a sub-machine gun to complete the picture.

I suppose the debate would continue for a while on both sides as to whether or not he overstepped his ministerial authority. But I will leave that debate to the legal luminaries since I believe the real issue is that a precedent has been set – good and/or bad depending on which way we look at it — and what Mr Warner has to do now is to act with the same gusto and alacrity to deal with the scourge of hard line criminal activity across the country.

We need draconian measures to deal with the criminal elements and if the return of a “Flying Squad” will do the job then so be it. We don’t need a Minister of National Security telling us we need more “daddies” or to parade a caravan of police across the country to try to gain public trust. 

What we need is decisive action to deal with crime and the ridiculously low detection crime rate. Not only must police be seen but they must be seen doing their jobs. Only then would public trust be gained. 

Let the Ministries of the People and Social Development and Gender Youth and Child Development deal with the soft social issues and leave Minister Warner to take a hard line against those bent on breaking the law.

Mr Warner has a gargantuan task on his hands one that many before him have failed miserably at. And God forbid if “Action Jack” fails it would not only be the end of his political career but it would be time for all law-abiding citizens to get out of this country.


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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai