Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Letter: Prakash not showing leadership qualities

Since his taking over the leadership mantle of the Congress of the People (COP), I have been closely monitoring the modus operandi of Prakash Ramadhar and one cannot deny the now obvious conclusion that he lacks the decorum and basic leadership skills.

His on-going, defiant and antagonistic statements on the Marlene Coudray and the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and Privy Council issues have given credence to the recent criticism from the indomitable MP Anil Roberts.

Apparently, Mr Ramadhar does not understand his role as a leader of one of the five political parties that comprise the governing People's Partnership and as such has an impartial nationalistic responsibility in the consensus decision-making process. 

He and, by extension, the COP must act responsibly for all the peoples of Trinidad and Tobago, not selfishly looking after one party's agenda. The bigger picture should always be about the people NOT petty party politics and certainly NOT in the public domain.

Prakash must stop behaving like an erratic schoolboy but instead be a proactive team player in the collective governance of the country headed by our charming Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar. 

The COP was founded as a ray of hope on good principles by its founder, Winston Dookeran, who fought against the odds, toiled long and hard to build its membership and help form the present People's Partnership Government when the country was crying out for change after years of neglect and mismanagement by the inept People's National Movement (PNM).

Surely within the coalition People's Partnership Government, as indeed within all political parties, there must be a 'code-of-ethics" forum where every leader or member could have his or her grievances or concerns heard and addressed in a decent, dignified manner, instead of "venting out" into the public forum openly.

Prakash must foremost remember the cause for unity and consensus above petty party politics. If disenchantments like these continue unabated within the COP, then the country will also continue to see the exodus of former UNC members leaving the COP in droves and heading back home to the UNC.

Colin Ghouralal | Chaguanas

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai