Friday, April 27, 2012

Muslimeen never applied for land at Mucurapo witness tells coup probe

Kenneth Subran
A former Commissioner of Valuations said on Thursday he has never been able to find any records showing that the Jamaat al Muslimeen ever officially applied for the lands it occupies at Number One Mucurapo Road just oustide of Port of Spain.

Kenneth Subran was testifying at the Commission of Enquiry into the failed 1990 Muslimeen coup.

He said the first tenants was the Islamic Guild, which received a lease in 1968. However he said the Port of Spain Corporation rescinded that lease one year later in 1969. 

Subran said docucments show that the Jamaat became affiliated with the Islamic Guild in 1979 and that the groups merged in 1982. However he said there are no records showing that Muslimeen ever applied for the land or hand any legal rights to it.

Subran criticised the Port of Spain Corporation for not acting against the Jamaat adding that the group continuously went against the Corporation's orders to stop the construction of unauthorised structures.

He also said politicians interfered with the workers at the valuation division and prevented them from doing their jobs.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai