Monday, April 30, 2012

Gopeesingh wants to make school term longer, close some schools

File: Tim Gopeesingh
Education Minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh has said he plans to suggest to the teaching Service Commission (TSC) that teachers work longer hours. He also said government also plans to close "under populated" schools.

Gopeesingh was speaking at the 33rd anniversary celebrations of the T&T Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA) in Chaguanas on Saturday. He said his ministry is currently collecting data on those issues.

The minister said there are enough teachers in the system so there is no need to hire large batches in the immediate future.

He said the pupil/teacher ratio in is 12 to 1 in primary schools is 12 to 1 and 13 to 1 in secondary schools. “I know facts, I have the empirical data,” Gopeesingh said.

The minister complained about some problems in the teaching service, including high absenteeism and unpunctuality. The minister said almost 12 per cent of teachers take more than their allotted sick and casual leave.

He offered some of his own solutions, one of which is respect to time off for going to the bank. He said that's not necessary now with electronic banking and extended opening hours.

He also suggested that the school terms should start one month earlier to facilitate the CXC and Cape exams.

The minister complained that in the last two years the TSC has met with him only once. He suggested that the TSC chooses instead to meet with officers who they can “tell what they want.”

In an immediate response, TTUTA president Roustan Job said the minister was making irresponsible and premature statements instead of engaging in meaningful consultation with TTUTA and other education stakeholders.

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