Wednesday, April 25, 2012

AG responds to Rowley, calls PNM leader's statement an attempt to prejudice public psyche

File: AG Anand Ramlogan
The Attorney General on Tuesday responded to statements made at a news conference Monday by Opposition leader Dr. Keith Rowley regarding three legal letters issued by the AG.

Rowley alleged that AG Anand Ramlogan is waging a personal legal against him using state funds and stated that he faces bankruptcy as a result of having to hire lawyers using his own funds.

Rowley's concerns related to three pre-action protocol letters from lawyers representing the Attorney General.

Read the story: Rowley says he's facing bankruptcy because of legal action by AG against him

An official statement from the Ministry of the Attorney General said the letters were issued on behalf of Ramlogan as a private citizen.

The statement said, "This was done in the face of advice given to the State that the AG would be well within his rights to pursue these claims for defamation in his official capacity using State resources because the defamatory statements made related to the performance of his official duties as AG. Mr. Ramlogan has privately retained the attorney acting on his behalf in these matters."

In added that Rowley's statement was a "naked attempt to prejudice the public psyche (if not, the Court). Dr. Rowley not only misrepresented the subject matter that resulted in these defamation lawsuits but committed a further libel upon Mr. Ramlogan by alleging misuse of State resources."

The statement sought to clarify the issues with an explanation of each of three issues raised by the opposition leader and noted that the legal action is not an attempt to hinder or muzzle Rowley who enjoys the cover of privilege for any statements made in the Parliament.

"Outside of Parliament, the constitutional right of freedom of political expression is subject to the law of defamation. Citizens are therefore entitled to protect their character, integrity and personnel reputation, if false and malicious statements are unlawfully made about them," the statement said.

"Dr Rowley has made a habit of launching scandalous and scrupulous attacks against the AG. Many of these irresponsible and unjustified statements were ignored. However, the AG has a right and, indeed, is under a duty to defend and protect himself from further attacks, lest they begin to take root in the public psyche.

"Dr Rowley was recently forced to apologize for his reckless statements that the AG had visited the New York Mission and made racist remarks to staff members. These statements were publicly repeated and confirmed ad nauseaum both inside and outside the Parliament. By Dr Rowley’s own subsequent admission, they were false.

"Dr Rowley has also made the outlandish suggestion that the Honourable Prime Minister and AG are misusing national security agencies of the State to illegally wire-tap and intercept conversations of private citizens and Opposition politicians. Suffice it to say, this is false, malicious, and baseless.

"Dr Rowley seems to have developed a penchant for character assassination. His irresponsible and reckless attacks under the guise of the exercise of his right to freedom of political expression are mischievous and misleading. No politician (whether in Government or Opposition) has the right to make untrue, scandalous and defamatory remarks about any citizen.

"The principle that “No man is above the law” applies to everyone including the Leader of the Opposition. The Opposition is entitled to and remains free to express their political views within the ambit of the law. 

"Dr Rowley was quick to sue the Integrity Commission to protect his own reputation but is now, ironically, complaining about another citizen’s right to pursue similar justice. He enjoys no monopoly in this regard and should simply allow the legal process to take its course."

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