Saturday, March 24, 2012

Volney stands up for PM Kamla; cries shame on PNM

Communications Minister Suruj Rambachan and Attorney General Anand Ramlogan have already denounced the opposition PNM for attacking the family values of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. (Read the story)

And on Friday Justice Minister Herbert Volney took PNM whip Marlene McDonald to task for her personal attacks on Persad-Bissessar.
Herbet Volney: "Shame on you! Shame on you, MP for POS South."
It has to do with McDonald's statement earlier in the week that the Prime Minister's sister and nephews may have stayed at the official residence and used facilities reserved for the PM.

Volney called McDonald's statements to reporters "low".

Speaking during a debate in Parliament Volney said, "This week we’ve seen the Opposition reach the lowest.” MP Colm Imbert tried to interrupt him but Speaker Wade Mark overruled the PNM member.

“I’d like to refer to this low of the lowest that has been attracting national media of late, and all I have to say, out of deference to the honourable member for Port-of-Spain South—shame on you! Shame on you, MP for Port-of-Spain South!”

He added: “If you have any respect for the sanctity of family life, you would never, never attack the Prime Minister!...I hope you are listening to me. All the people of this country know how low you went this week.”

Volney received desk-thumping support from his colleagues on the government side.

1 comment:

John Alex Lindsay said...

And the latest to get on his hind legs to "defend" the PM, is Volney.

I suggested, tongue in cheek, a few days ago, that pretty soon the opposition would likely start checking state banquet menus in case we were all paying for imported celery and the like instead of local, cheaper stuff.

Did I therefore encourage and attract this foolishness on booth sides of the House?

There is clearly a policy amongst the opposition of nitpicking and giving it publicity, in lieu of course of anything they conside more meaningful being commented upon.

The irritatingly pathetic aspect of this, is the extent and frequency with which Ministers scrabble to their feet to "defend" what does not warrant acknowledgement, nevre mind defense.

treat such clamour with the contempt it deserves, PP, and please, try to focus on doing something to move the country forwards. It is after all not only what you are paid for, but also what you individually and collectively promised us you'd do.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai