Tuesday, March 20, 2012

UNC slate promises more power to the membership

One of the groups running a slate of candidates in Saturday's internal election of the United National Congress (UNC) is promising greater power for members of the party.

In a media release Tuesday the UNC Soldiers said if its candidates win, they will ensure that members of the party will have greater influence over who runs in local and national elections.

Sunil Ramjitsingh, who is running for the post of Deputy Leader, said "the days of strangers, political unknowns and mystery candidates appearing on a UNC ticket the night before nomination day for General and Local Government elections has to stop." 

He added that too often such candidates and MPs have no knowledge of the constituency, the people in it or the problems there. 

"They have no appreciation of how the constituency base was developed and who are the people who made it that way. For them, it is easy come, easy go. And this is not fair to the constituents and party supporters,” he said.

Ramjitsingh said his group will establish party groups and constituency executives in all 41 constituencies and embark on a programme of constitutional reform to put more power in the hands of members.

“Under our proposed system, it is important for every constituency to have party groups because from midway in the electoral term, the party groups will submit nominees for Local Government and General Elections and these nominees will have to canvas the support of as may party groups as they can until a short list is developed. 

"The screening committee would then be restricted to choosing only from among those short-listed by the party groups in the constituency," he said.

"We also anticipate that this will keep the elected representatives on their toes and discourage complacency and arrogance, since the representatives would need to ensure that they perform in order to get the endorsement of the party groups to return as representatives,” Ramjitsingh added.

He said the party structure starts from the party group. “To save our party and government, the foot soldiers must bridge the communication between the ground, the party and the government,” he declared.

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