Saturday, March 31, 2012

PM Kamla opens T&T first Baptist school, praises community's resilience

Friday’s Spiritual Baptists holiday was a day of jubilation for both the Baptist community and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who delivered the feature address at the official handover of Trinidad & Tobago’s first Baptist school.

Former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday declared the holiday in 1996 to commemorate the abolition of the Shouter Baptist Ordinance and donated the land for the school while Persad-Bissessar served as Education Minister.

In her remarks, she said, "Last year…I stood here on these grounds and told you that after more than a decade of pleading, a Spiritual Baptist Primary School would be coming and that when I returned to celebrate in 2012, we would have a school.

"Today sisters and brothers I and my Government have kept that promise. In my hand are the keys to Phase 1 of the new St Barbara Spiritual Shouter Baptist Primary School – the first such school in Trinidad and Tobago and the Region – where the children of your community, the very future of your community will benefit from a State School for your Faith."

She praised the community for its resilience and determination to claim its rightful place in a nation built on a pledge that “every creed and race” will find an equal place.

“We remain eternally grateful for the determination of now deceased Bishop Elton George Griffith; the perseverance of my former parliamentary colleague, former Senator Archbishop Barbara Burke and the resilience and courage of past and present members of the Spiritual Baptist faith in Trinidad and Tobago.

“I remain eternally grateful to my former Senate colleague Barbara Burke who worked tirelessly to make this day a National Holiday.

“Your tireless crusade for the repeal of the oppressive Shouters Prohibition Ordinance and later for national recognition of the Spiritual Baptist faith remains something that we as a nation can hold proudly for the world to see – that the blocks upon which our great nation stands today, were laid by the labour of those who came before us.

“And so I say with the achievement of both milestones in 1951 and 1996 respectively, I am proud to stand here with you today – a citizen of the multicultural nation of Trinidad and Tobago… a young Nation as we celebrate our golden jubilee of Independence, but with the maturity and intelligence to recognise the advantages which may be derived from embracing diversity.

“We are One Nation and Let me also remind you that there is one race only, the Human race and as that we are all children of God. Out of

“In Trinidad and Tobago…we stand as a shining example of religious appreciation and tolerance, strong unity in our rich diversity and a unique blend of culture and heritage which spurs a creative fusion that has made Trinidad and Tobago, in many ways the envy of the global community…

“Our national anthem boldly declares that every creed and every race find an equal place. Side by side we stand Trinidad and Tobago, beautiful Islands of the Caribbean.

“At no time was that more evident than during the 1995-2000 UNC Administration, of which I was a member, when the Spiritual Baptist Faith was finally honoured with a national holiday, signaling its equal importance and relevance as the existing religious holidays already observed in Trinidad and Tobago...

“Today…I am delighted to right another injustice that has been perpetrated against you, our Spiritual Baptist sisters and brothers.

“I am extremely pleased to report to you that this phase of the school was completed in 3 months… after a wait of some 14 years!

“We have been able to right the wrongs of the last 14 years, in which you waited since I turned the Sod at this very site. However the Lord works in Mysterious ways, it is the Lord who said that I would be the one to build this school, and so it has come to pass.

“This new Spiritual Shouter Baptist Primary School…will therefore be more than an institution to teach the academic curriculum; but also a site for building self-esteem and nurturing our boys and girls to become men and women who are empowered to make positive contributions to our society.

“In this the year of our 50th anniversary of Independence, on behalf of the Government and citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, I extend to all practitioners of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist faith a blessed Liberation Day.”

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai