Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jack launches campaign for UNC chairman with pledge to win national elections in 2015

Jack Warner launched his re-election campaign Saturday evening for the post of chairman of the United National Congress, standing on his record.

In a speech lasting about half an hour, the incumbent chairman of the main partner in the governing coalition told supporters while others seeking the chairmanship will present promises he can stand on his record of achievement.

"I stand with confidence here tonight as I stood just over two years ago right here on this spot when I first came to you seeking your vote for Chairman in 2010," he said. "I stand with confidence because my vision for the United National Congress has not changed."

The MP for Chaguanas West chose his own constituency to launch his campaign and reminded his audience, estimated at about 3,000 by the media, that he was the one who stood by the UNC at its darkest hour while others deserted.

He did not mention anyone by name. However he may have been alluding to his main opponent for the chairmanship, Ashwani Mahabir, who left the UNC in 2007 and joined the Congress of the People (COP).

Warner worked with the leader of the party at the time, Basdeo Panday, to help breed new life in the UNC and win 16 seats when everyone was writing off the UNC and even suggesting that the COP would form the new government.

Warner later fought Panday for reform in the party and when the UNC finally announced that it would hold elections in January 2010, Warner put his full support behind Kamla Persad-Bissessar who defeated Panday in a landslide.

He reminded supporters of what transpired in 2010, a time when the UNC had been condemned to the "wilderness" of opposition with no hope to break free into the corridors of power.

"There was no harmony, only discord; no concert, only conflict; no peace only a warring spirit; no victory for a Party which seemed destined to be always a victim of electoral defeat. There was a sense of hopelessness when I came to you on January 10, 2010."

He added, "As a candidate on January 10, 2010, I promised to support our sister the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar as Political leader of the UNC because I was confident that together we - Kamla and I - can defeat any political foe in this country." Warner stressed the team Kamla and I.

"Today, we all can confidently state that I was right then because Kamla and I fought and won many bruising political battles and today she stands victorious as the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago," he said.

Warner said the election on March 24 must not be taken lightly because the team elected to the national executive will have to prepare the party for the local elections in 2014 and the general election of 2015.

He said that is why the internal election is so critically important. "You have to elect a Chairman who has experience in preparing the Party and leading it victoriously against all odds at the polls," he declared.

"I was with this Party at its darkest hour in 2007. I never wilted, resigned nor jumped ship...I will be with this party to the end."

The Works Minister added, "No candidate in these internal elections vying for the position of Chairman except one has a perfect track record or any track record whatsoever when it comes to leading the UNC out of opposition and into government...Only Jack Warner has done it.

No candidate in these internal elections vying for the position of Chairman except one can boast of commitment to this membership in a way to benefit our communities and strengthen the political stock of this party. Only Jack Warner has done it."

Referring to his opponents as "pretenders" Warner questioned their commitment.

"Where were they during the last general elections when the Party was seeking to return to Government? Where did they walk? With whom did they work? What strategy did they design? What service have they provided for you the people? What have they done to deserve your vote? What is their claim to fame?

"You cannot vote for people you do not know. You cannot vote for someone if you do not know if that someone will answer their phone when you call..."

He urged UNC member to vote for him because "You know me and I know all of you."

He spoke of his record of giving scholarships to nine young people back in 2009 for studies at the University of the West Indies (UWI) for studies in fields of medicine, ophthalmology, management, engineering, environmental science, sociology.

"The total per month was $17,500.00. As of 2012, the last year of the programme, 6 students are still benefiting from the assistance...This year, in honour of our country's 50th Anniversary of Independence, I intend to repeat this gesture and offer more scholarships to deserving children,"Warner promised.

He said it is easy for people to boast of what they can do and what they propose to do. However he said he can boast of what he has done.

Warner said there is no internship and time to learn in the post of chairman. "You have to come ready", he said noting that he was ready in 2010 and that is why within four months of securing victory in the internal election he helped his party defeat the PNM in the national election.

"The officers elected in 2012 will be responsible for mobilizing the Party to face elections in 2015 and from the candidates vying for the position of Chairman none has demonstrated any known competence when it comes to mobilizing the Party for any elections," he stated.

"Tonight I give you my word, that when you re-elect Jack Warner as Chairman of the UNC on March 24, 2012, you would be guaranteeing yourself success at the polls for the United National Congress at the Local Government Elections 2014 and the General Elections of 2015."

Warner said he still has the drive to keep the UNC in government "to provide a society of which our posterity will be proud is still to be fulfilled." 

And he declared that "most of all, never in my lifetime, do I ever want to see the People’s National Movement ever in Government again."

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