Tuesday, March 27, 2012

AG says Rowley's rantings won't stop probes of alleged PNM corruption

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said Monday he is not bothered by the rantings of Opposition Leader Keith Rowley and insisted that he won't led Rowley deter him from investigating PNM corruption.

Ramlogan was responding to questions Rowley has raised about high fees paid to lawyers. "There are already several civil fraud cases and a few more are in the pipeline. So I understand why he is running scared for the PNM," Ramlogan told the Express newspaper.

Rowley has asked Ramlogan to state his relationship with attorneys Alan Newman QC, Ackbar Ali, Gerald Ramdeen and Sir Fenton Ramsahoye QC.

Rowley has also questioned the payment of more than $27 million to Martin Hall, Newman and Ali. He has charged that the money was paid for the lawyers to go through the books of State agencies to try to find wrongdoing.

Ramlogan said the bulk of the fees went to the international forensic firm, Alix Partners whose late partner, Martin Hall, was in Trinidad investigating certain State agencies. The majority of Hall's work was related to the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (UDeCOTT), Ramlogan told the paper.

The AG also stated that three defamation lawsuits would be filed in the coming months against Rowley.

Ramlogan said Rowley lacks credibility because he has been making "wild allegations". He cited Rowley's recent apology to the AG with respect to charges that Rowley made about Ramlogan.

The PNM leader had insisted that Ramlogan went to the T&T mission in New York and complained about the ethnic composition of staff there. He insisted that he was right despite evidence presented by both Ramlogan and other MPs that Ramlogan never visited the office and had never been in New York since taking office.

Rowley eventually admitted that he was wrong and offered an apology to Ramlogan.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai