Sunday, February 26, 2012

Who's Paula? Point Fortin doesn't know its MP - Express report

And EXPRESS newspaper reality check on Point Fortin MP Paula Gopee-Scoon suggested that the PNM MP has a visibility problem among her constituents.

According to the paper although she has been the MP for Point Fortin for five years many people don't know what she looks like. And some evene thought she is a man.

According to the paper people are not amused at the fact that she lives in the posh Westmoorings community but represents a constituency in the deep south. And the Express said people are also unhappy with her political performance.

Patrick Manning transplanted her into the constituency when he rejected the resident MP Larry Achang in the 2007 election. Manning later gave her the high profile post of Foreign Minister.

In 2010 she barely held on to the seat in the election that swept her party out of office, winning 8885 votes to her opponent's 7959.

Gopee-Scoon said the survey reflected the opinion of people who are disgruntled because of the high levels of poverty and unemployment in Point Fortin.

She told the Express: "Quite naturally, this is a survey done among a few people, but I have been serving my constituency quite diligently. I am in Point Fortin at least once a week. But there are times that I am in Point Fortin at least three times a week.

"And the office is open as well, from Monday to Friday. I meet with people. I don't turn anyone away. I have given them representation. It is just that at this time the people of Point Fortin are very disgruntled."

She claimed neglect by the present government. "The Government quite clearly does not intend to service Point Fortin, but I have been making representation on behalf of Point Fortin," she said.

"The easiest thing to say is that they don't see me. But I am available. I am there and wherever I can help, in any way, I do. People come into the office and they are helped."
File: Paula gets a hugh from American President Barack Obama at the 2009 Summit of the Americas

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai