Tuesday, February 28, 2012

OWTU calls strike at TCL over wages

The Oilfield Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) called a strike at Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL) Monday to back demands for higher pay.

The union had been holding its hands pending last minute talks to settle the matter. However, the union decided Monday that it won't accept the company's latest offer and told its members to walk off their jobs at the state cement company.

The work stoppage will cause a shortage of cement and have a devastating effect on private and state sector construction projects. Cement sales had increased on news of an impending strike and now the OWTU is saying there is only a two-week supply remaining.

The union has said the workers will be off the job for 90 days unless the company changes its policy on wages. The strike began as soon as the union served strike notice on the company.

The plant at Claxton Bay has been shut down as well as the mining facilities in nearby Mayo in Central Trinidad.

Negotiations broke down last Thursday when the company refused to increase its wage offer to double figures. The company's best offer was seven per cent for the period 2009 to 2011; the union was demanding 16 per cent.

Last week the union called off a strike at Petrotrin after securing a nine per cent increase for workers in eleventh hour negotiations chaired by Labour Minister Errol McLeod.

"We have indicated to TCL that there is not going to be another extension of conciliation talks because TCL got enough time to get its operations and finances in place in order to come to the bargaining table ready to settle," OWTU President General Ancel Roget told reporters last week.

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Jai & Sero

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