Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Former PNM minister launches new political party

A former legal Affairs Minister in the Manning PNM administration is launching a new political party in Trinidad & Tobago.

Peter Taylor is calling it the United Free Movement (UFM).

A release from the party said it has already registered its official logo with the Elections and Boundaries Commission. The logo is three triangles, representing the three mountain peaks also known as the Three Sisters located in Southern Trinidad.

“Each of the logo’s triangles are red, yellow and blue representing the diversity, ethos and richness of the people of the twin island Republic of T&T," the release stated. The party’s motto is “Thinking is Free”.

Taylor dropped out of the PNM lineup in the 2010 election after his constituents in Moruga chased him away, claiming poor representation. The UNC candidate, Clifton De Coteau, won the seat.

In 2008 Taylor accused supermarkets of gouging consumers. And the next day when looters hijacked a truck and savagely beat the driver, the minister called it "routine".

Taylor told the Trinidad Express he "would not read anything" into whaty he called “an isolated incident," and then added: "I am sure that you have experienced, on many occasions, that in times of heavy traffic, persons would routinely get looted on that Beetham Stretch."

"Yes, of course it has happened before...Persons have had their jewelry snatched…So I would not attribute that to any trend."

Read the story: Commentary: Looting, assualt and robbery a routine affair in 

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai