Tuesday, January 10, 2012

PM Kamla accepts Chief Guest title at PBD 2012 conference in Jaipur with the greeting, Ram Ram'

I greet you with the traditional greeting of Rajasthan, Ram Ram. 

A very pleasant good evening. I am very happy to be among such a distinguished gathering this evening to participate in this Valedictory Function of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD). 

Any accomplishment is never done alone but is the result of the support of family and friends and an example of sacrifice and the loyalty of family. 

As a young girl I had a dream I wanted to go abroad to study and my uncle came to my home and said to my parents she is a girl she will get married and have children, but my mother said she is a bright girl let her go. I say thank you to my mother although she is no longer with us; she believed in me.

Allow me, once again ladies and gentlemen, to thank the Government of the Republic of India for their kind invitation to be the Chief Guest at the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012.

I say respectfully in whatever I have done in my professional life, as a lawyer and as a politician, I have always sought to put the interests of my students when I was a teacher, my clients when I practised law, and now the People of Trinidad and Tobago first. As Prime Minister, the interests of all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago stand as my first priority.

Indeed the Indian Diaspora has had many obstacles. However we have overcome. Parents have sacrificed and have provided us with strong values and education that has allowed us to succeed and prosper.

I say respectfully that whatever accomplishments I have made in my life came about because of the unwavering support of my family and friends and those who have placed their utmost trust in me. 

I have also taken good examples from my forefathers who came from these great shores – examples of sacrifice, hard work, dedication, perseverance and loyalty to family.

Indeed ladies and gentlemen, the Indian Diaspora in Trinidad and Tobago has overcome many obstacles, many disappointments, but we have risen to these challenges and by our determination to make a better life for ourselves and particularly for our children.

We have never allowed anything or anyone to keep us down for we believe in our potential to accomplish great things and to make our country and our world a better place for all.

In all of this, we have never allowed the light of our love for the land of our roots to grow dim or to be extinguished. This light coming out of India shines ever so brightly in our lives by the traditions we hold dear and fast – the music, the movies, the cuisine, the fashion, the festival, religion and observances, and our connection to the land.

It comes as no surprise that Indian Nationals and People of Indian Origin are found in all continents of the world and in almost every country of this world – living and working and doing their part in the process of development of peoples and countries.

This fact, my dear friends, in my respectful view, gives meaning to the theme chosen for this year’s PBD Conference: “Global Indian – Inclusive Growth”. I dare say without hesitation, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, India has indeed become global.

With the expertise, technical knowledge and resources which we bring to the economic table, growth and prosperity is afforded to all. The cultural and economic powerhouse that is India is no longer confined to her borders but touches and impacts the lives and economies of many a people and many a nation.

I am certain that in addition to the PBD 2012 Conference, the Pre-Conference Seminars held on Water and Solar Energy – and attended by many experts in the field – will yield tangible benefits to the citizens of this world. These seminars, I am aware, facilitated new opportunities for businesses to contribute to sustainable solutions through know-how, new technologies, and innovative products.

I encourage all participants of the PBD 2012 to continue to use their talents, skills, expertise, and financial resources in building a better world. I urge you to continue to cooperate and create lasting partnerships among yourselves so that all can benefit from your expertise and talent..

I want to echo the words of Dr. the Hon. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of the Republic of India when he said to us all: “Build bridges of communication and common interests” and I too, especially call on our young global Indians to “participate with enthusiasm”.

Let me leave you with the inspiring words of the Father of the Nation, the Late and Great Mahatma Gandhi: “A small body of spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history”. 

Let us join our hands together in partnership so that we can be the change that will become our future and chart the course of history.

May god bless you all and may god bless all our Nations

I thank you ladies and gentlemen.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai