Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jury selection begins for Bakr trial

Jury selection begins on Wednesday for the sedition trial of Jamat al Muslimeen leader Yasin Abu Bakr.

Special arrangements have been made to accomodate the approximately 700 people in the pool of potential jurors. Justice Mark Mohammed has put aside two weeks for the process.

The court is seeking a nine-member jury with at least six alternates for the trial.

Bakr is facing a sedition charge arising out of a speech he made. In addition he is facing four other charges. They include promoting a terrorist act, inciting others to breach the peace and inciting a riot.

All the charges were laid following a speech Bakr made in November 2005, at the Jamaat’s mosque at Mucurapo Road.

Media reports say Bakr's attorneys, led by British Queen’s Counsel Martin Hicks and defence attorney Wayne Sturge, are likely to to apply for a further stay of for the trial because of pre-trial publicity.

Special prosecutor Dana Seetahal, SC, and state prosecutor Renuka Rambhajan are representing the state.

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Jai & Sero

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