Sunday, December 25, 2011

President says peace and goodwill must be TT's mantra every day

Reproduced from NEWSDAY
Peace and goodwill, regarded as the mantra of Christmas season, should be exemplified throughout the year, not just today — Christmas Day — and are sentiments that should become a way of life, says President George Maxwell Richards.

“Peace and goodwill to all men have become words that are often heard during this season, but they convey sentiments that should become the way of life, throughout the year, in every aspect of our interaction with one another,” Richards said in his Christmas message to the nation. 

Failure to exercise peace and goodwill, he said, will mean that persons would have missed the point of the Christmas message “by a long shot, and we can hardly rise to the level of our potential to be a caring and nurturing society”.

Richards argued that the message and joy of Christmas went far beyond happiness, which is often based “on our current circumstances and what we perceive as our future prospects”.

“But will we receive it (joy)?” he asked.

“Some of us will; many will not, because we have to come to that place where we decide to put aside every circumstance that can prevent us from experiencing that peace that is spoken of so much, at this time of year.

“This is a tall order, for tragedy has struck in many quarters for many of us and sadness is overwhelming.”

The President said it was believed that in the Christian faith, a “great Gift” was given to mankind at Christmas.

“If we can accept that, we may, regardless of religious persuasion or even in the absence of it, consider pushing back against every kind of challenge that we face, individually and collectively and make room for that Gift,” he said.

“We may well experience changed perspectives which may even enable us to see beyond ourselves and climb out of our pits, as we consider other possibilities.” Richards said those who are not so challenged might also make room and, if they are willing, resolve to see beyond self.

“Over time, we can develop trust, born out of tangible evidence of human consideration. Then peace will flow,” he said.

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