Sunday, December 25, 2011

Opposition leader urges nation to draw strength from diversity

Around the world and here in our beloved Trinidad and Tobago the Christmas season is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike.

The season carries with it an underlying message of peace on earth and goodwill to all. This message fills our hearts with joyous thanksgiving and hope for better things in the future.

In Trinidad and Tobago, we have much for which we can be thankful, not the least of which is peace loving people of varied races, ethnicity and religious persuasions.

Despite these and other cultural differences we continue to enjoy a level of harmony and our people look towards the leaders to chart a course for the nation’s development and a better standard of living for all citizens.

In order to do so all of us who are privileged to serve this nation in whatever capacity must invariably draw strength from our diversity without leaving the perception of inequality, discrimination or any other forms of injustice.

In this regard I urge that we draw inspiration from the exemplary life of Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate at this time every year. Let us learn to love one another and be of service to our fellow man. 

Let our actions demonstrate adherence to the principles of fairness, transparency and accountability which many believe are greatly lacking in the management of our nation’s business in recent times. I see it as incumbent upon us all, leaders and others alike, to emulate Christ and lead by example, always.

As 2011 draws to a sobering close, I implore each and every citizen to ponder and reflect deeply on the experiences of the past year, drawing strengths from our demonstrated resilience whilst committing to confronting the inevitable challenges which lie ahead.

Let us learn from these experiences and set a course which will give us the best chance of improving the quality of all our lives as we proceed.

On behalf of the Leadership and members of the People’s National Movement we extend the spirit of brotherly love to all our fellow citizens and wish Trinidad and Tobago a safe and merry Christmas as well as a bright and prosperous new year.

May God continue to guide us and richly bless our nation.

Dr. Keith Rowley | PNM Political Leader and Leader of the Opposition

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai