Saturday, December 24, 2011

PLIPDECO port operations back to normal after two-day work stoppage

Containers at the PLIDECO port in Point Lisas
The machines are rolling again at the PLIPDECO port in Point Lisas after a two-day shutdown by workers who stayed away from their jobs to protest a 5% salary increase offer from the management.

Their counterparts at the Port of Spain port had taken similar action and shut down the docks in the city for days as well. however they settled for the five percent.

The Point Lisas workers have the same bargaining unit, the Seamen and Waterfront Workers' Trade Union (SWWTU).

PLIPDECO chairman Ian Atherly told reporters Friday the management and union have been talking but so far there is no agreement.

Atherly said the workers were back on the job late Thursday following an agreement negotiated with their union.

"An agreement was reached to put the staff back to work from the 11o'clock shift on Thursday night and that did in fact take place. Also the 7am-3pm on Friday and the 3pm to 11pm will also take place. So we are back to normal," he said.

SWWTU President Michael Annisette the PLIPDECO management agreed to the union's demand to withdraw a letter which he claimed was an ultimatum to workers to either accept the 5% salary increase or face job losses.

Atherly denied that. He said the focus for the port now is to try to clear the huge backlog caused by the two-day work stoppage.

The PLIPDECO management and the SWWTU will meet on January 11th to continue the wage negotiations.

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Jai & Sero

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Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai