Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rowley apologises for comments, blames media report

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley apologised Friday to Justice Ronnie Boodoosingh and the Judiciary for comments attributed to him in reaction to the judge's decsion to quash an extradition signed by Attorney General Anand Ramlogan.

The order was against businessmen Steve ferguson and Ish Galbaransingh who were wanted in the United States on dozens of criminal charges. Media reports on a news conference held by Rowley suggested that the opposition leader was critical of the judgement and suggested political collusion involving the AG.

Now the AG is suing Rowley.

In a statement Friday, Rowley said his comments were taken out of context in the media report.

He told reporters at a media conference his statements were directed to questions concerning the Attorney General and not to the Judiciary.

“I am deeply disappointed that I was not able to present my comments about the Attorney General and the political directorate with sufficient clarity so as to ensure that no disquiet could arise as expressed in the cautionary response of the Judiciary," he said.

He added, "Those present and exposed to the total situation did not get the impression that I was attacking the work of Justice Boodoosingh or alluding to any conspiracy on his part."

Rowley stated that he "stands firmly" behind the independence of the Judiciary and viewed those in this office as highly competent.

"If any citizen in this country could, even at the personal level, attest to the independence of the Judiciary in Trinidad and Tobago, I am that person, a view that I have hitherto championed and continue to do so now without reservation. 

"As a matter of fact, operating in the political arena, I have on numerous occasions, in the recent past, publicly stated for the record, that it is our good fortune as a people to have, especially at this time, the institution of a fiercely independent and a highly competent Judiciary which is prepared to stand as a bulwark between the people and the excesses of a rampant government, the Executive arm of the State."

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai