Thursday, November 17, 2011

PNM predicts "wars" will erupt because of government's make work program

The MP for Laventille East in concerned that the Colour Me Orange launched on Tuesday at the Hilton could spawn turf wars.

Donna Cox told the Guardian a fight and stone throwing incident at the Hilton that led to as man being arrested in the first sign of trouble.

“Once money is involved, you know is war. Look at what happened on Tuesday at the Hilton—a programme to fight crime, and crime takes place," Cox said.

She added, "When rivalry for jobs starts there will be further discord in communities and we the MPs of these areas will have to deal with the fallout when our constituents start fighting like cat-and-dog for jobs.”

Cox said she supports any initiative to assist people in high-risk areas, but suggested that the government is doing it wrong.

"For instance, you don’t put rivals from various communities into one gathering place.

“That’s why Tuesday’s situation arose. It shows Government isn’t aware of what’s happening in these areas.

“Nelson Street and Duncan Street are at war. Yet you put everybody in the Hilton. If they had consulted us, we might have been able to help,” Cox said.

Cox was also critical of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s statement that community leaders would not be used in the programme, noting that "Twiggy who was at the Prime Minister’s side at the Hilton, is a community leader.

She said, “We feel sorry for people if they feel the need to grovel or lower themselves to such levels. But they have needs. Hustlers have no loyalty, so we understand they have to ‘eat a food’.”

Cox stated further, "I felt ashamed at seeing people fighting over jobs at HDC recently. Tuesday’s launch was a public propaganda show..Government fears retaliation from gang members so they had to find ways to give them money through this programme.”

Laventille West MP Nileung Hypolite told reporters “Tuesday’s incident was the tip of the iceberg” and suggested that "wars will continue in communities, particularly because URP and CEPEP workers are now getting less than ‘Orange’ workers.”

He added: “Giving people three-month jobs now is throwing corn to fowls, causing our constituents to rush and fight among themselves. Yet Government develops the people of Siparia by putting a university there."

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Jai & Sero

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