Sunday, November 13, 2011

Commentary: Are we also going to "crackdown" on CD/DVD piracy?

I am bothered about a few things and have often wondered why my colleagues in the Trinidad & Tobago media and people in authority in the country don't seem to address some of these things.

For example I read in one of the daily newspapers a story about police charging two street vendors with selling cigarettes in Chaguanas.

Here's what the Guardian reported:

"Central Division Police yesterday began what they called a “crackdown” on illegal cigarette vending in the Chaguanas borough. During an exercise, led by Senior Supt Edward Castillo, of the Central Division, two vendors were arrested by officers along the Chaguanas Main Road for contravening the Tobacco Control Act 2009.

"Police said a 44-year-old man, of Cashew Gardens, and a 33-year-old woman, of California, were arrested and charged under Section 15.1 of the act which prohibits the display of cigarettes for sale in T&T. They are expected to appear before a Chaguanas magistrate later today. Meanwhile, a 32-year-old Chaguanas resident was fined $2,500 on Wednesday after pleading guilty to the offence before Magistrate Gillian David-Scotland in the Chaguanas First Magistrate’s Court.

"The vendor was arrested in a similar exercise on Tuesday afternoon. Under the legislation...a person found guilty of the offence faces a maximum fine of $10,000 or up to six months in prison. Police said similar exercises would be conducted in the future to help curtail the illegal sale of cigarettes by street vendors in the borough."

A fine of $2,500 for a street vendor trying to earn a living by selling a couple of cigarettes. And it could have been $10,000. 

OK. The vendor broke the law and nobody can fault the police or magistrate. However, my point is that it is a minor infraction compared to the other breaches of the law taking place right there on Busy Corner in Chaguanas and the police are not doing anything about it. 
I am talking about copyright infringement and audio and video piracy which is an epidemic in the country. On Busy corner and every other corner you can find walls of pirated CDs and DVDs for sale in open violation of the law. And nobody is getting a warning, nobody is charging these people.

This piracy is unlike the cigarette vendor situation. The street vendor peddling two cigarettes is not taking food away from anyone. He/she is breaking a law that is part of the global health hypocrisy that has made cigarettes and smoking a whipping boy target.

The audio and video pirate is a predator who is stealing the intellectual property of an artist who, as a result, finds it difficult to sell her/his work because of the thriving business that's going on in open view of the police.

What bothers me even more about this piracy business is that so-called decent law abiding citizens who have no problem with the police charging the little street vendor selling two cigarettes, are buying the stolen movies and music and boasting about the good bargain they get.

We need to start paying attention. Stealing is wrong and against the law. And it's worse when you make a "legal" business out of stealing. I would urge the police in Chaguanas and everywhere to also launch a campaign against these pirates.

Please don't misunderstand me.

I am not against little people making a living. And I am not even suggesting the police should not go after the cigarette vendor. What I AM saying is that we are looking away way when thieves are operating in front of us and going after the wrong person(s). What is good for the goose must also be good for the gander.

If you are "cracking down" on selling two cigarettes then let's do the same for the thieves who are stealing copyright material.

Jai Parasram | 12 November 2011 

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai