Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rowley claims Government had "cock and bull" story about reason for SoE

Keith Rowley said on national television in Trinidad (TV6) on Tuesday government spokesmen told him that the State of Emergency was declared to prevent a Colombian drug gang from killing a local gang following a $22 million drug bust at Piarco.

Government cited the dug bust as one of the reasons for the emergency and it was also noted in the President's reason for deciding to proclaim the State of emergency.
The opposition leader has demanded the specific reasons for the measure. For its part the government has kept information private citing national security concerns. However it has stated clearly that crime was out of control and the emergency was meant to deal effectively with the problem.

Top officials, including Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and National Security Minister John Sandy have stated that the emergency has been successful in arresting crime.

However Rowley told the media that he heard a story from government spokesmen, whom he did not name, that the Colombians were ready to create a bloodbath in Trinidad following the big drug bust.

He said the spokesmen whispered the details to the opposition following the debate on the extension of the State of Emergency.

"We were dispersing in the crowd and talking amongst our parliamentarian colleagues, government spokespersons came to the Opposition, whispering in our ears as good friends well-met," Rowley said. 

He noted that the story told to the opposition was that the Colombians had sent the drugs to Trinidad for transhipment and was angry with the local gang allowed the authorities to intercept the two suitcases with the drugs.  

Rowley said this is what the unnamed spokesmen said: "So the Colombian gang was going to kill the Trinidad gang and that is what the Government moved to avert. And that is what Sandy was alluding to, when he said that blood would flow."

The Opposition Leader dismissed the story as fabricated propaganda.

"Notwithstanding their brave danger, and their PR exercises, the Government is still trying to find an acceptable reason for the State of Emergency," he said.

Rowley accused the government of "trying to tell us this cock-and-bull story about Colombians and suitcases and blood would flow" as as attempt to prevent the Opposition from asking more questions about why the government declared a State of Emergency.

He said if the story is true then the country needs to know the details. "Don't just tell the Opposition quietly in our ears. There are those who are saying that I should not have told the country that because it is a secret. We don't want any secret from the Government on this matter," Rowley said.

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