Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Police interview Abu Bakr about alleged threats to PNM leader

The Trinidad Express reported on Wednesday that police in Trinidad & Tobago have launched an investigation into claims that members of the Jamaat-al-Muslimeen have threatened the lives the leader of the People's National Movement (PNM) Opposition, Dr Keith Rowley, and a top PNM member, Senator Fitzgerald Hinds.

The paper reported that police are not saying much about the investigation except to confirm that they have visited the headquarters of the Muslim group and interviewed its leader Yasin Abu Bakr.

The probe was launched after Rowley and Hinds reported the alleged threats, which the Express said were made in a letter to both men regarding their position in the opposition party.

Hinds served as minister in the ministry of national security in the former PNM administration. 

Rowley held several ministerial portfolios and was a deputy political leader of the PNM before he fell out with his former leader, Patrick Manning and was expelled from cabinet. He openly campaigned against Manning in the 2010 general election and ousted Manning as leader of the PNM just days after the party's defeat on May 24, 2010. He later became leader in an uncontested election.

The Express cites its unnamed sources as saying the threatening letter suggested that Manning should be reinstated as leader of the PNM before the party could return to government.
The paper said investigator questioned Bakr on Tuesday. However it said Bakr declined comment on the matter.

It quoted Bakr as saying, "I have no comment on that. I don't know who would have informed you or what information they would have given to you but I have no comment on that."

The Express said Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Anti-Crime Operations, Mervyn Richardson, confirmed that officers from the CID visited the Jamaat's Mucurapo compound and interviewed Bakr.

Richardson also confirmed that the visit by police was in respect to a report made yesterday by Rowley and Hinds.

However the paper said Richardson did not state the nature of the investigation.

"Yes, we had officers visit the office at number one Mucurapo Road and yes, they are doing an investigation and they went to speak to personnel there based on a report, an earlier report made by the Opposition Leader Mr Rowley and Mr Fitzgerald Hinds.

"So yes, the officers visited Mucurapo Road in relation to that matter. At this time all I can say its that the report was made and we thought it best to try and clarify the issues, but until I get a fuller picture of the entire situation, I would not want to say anything more at this time," Richardson said.

The paper said Richardson classified the matter as one of national security.
Rowley confirmed on Tuesday that he and Hinds had made a report to the police regarding threats made to their personal safety about three weeks ago.
The paper quoted Rowley as saying, "I've been around for a long time and I have had many situations like this so it's a matter for the security services, but it is a fact that we did have to report material to the police and the police have in fact been investigating the situation."

The Express reported that Rowley said he and Hinds have not yet had any feedback from the police in relation to the report they made.

The paper reported that Rowley did not give details of the threat but laughed at the suggestion that he and Hinds should be removed and replaced by Manning. 

"I have never gone into the details of threats to my personal safety and I am not going to do that now. That matter is with the police and I'm sure the police will handle it professionally," he told the paper.

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