Monday, May 23, 2011

UNC gathers at Rienzi to pray for the government and the nation

Hundreds of members of the United National Congress (UNC) and supporters of the party gathered at Rienzi Complex in Couva Sunday for an interfaith service to pray for the government of Trinidad and Tobago and the nation.

The theme was "An Era of Caring" and several of the speakers focused on unity in their readings from the scriptures.

One of the religious leaders, Pandit Lutchmidath Persad Maharaj, used the Ramayan as his source to explain why unity is a powerful tool in the transformation of society.

The Hindu priest quoted from this verse from the Ramayan: 
"Jahaa Sumati tahaa sampaati nana; Jaha sumati taha bipati nidhanaa", which translated means: where there is unity there is strength; where there is disunity there is misfortune and repression.

He said the concept of unity brought an entire army together to defeat the evil king Ravana. While the army comprised different tribes and its members had varying agendas their primary focus was on the big picture, which was to defeat the embodiment of evil and restore peace and prosperity to the country.

Pandit Maharaj reminded his audience of the devotion of God's disciple, the Hindu deity Hanuman, who always put God in front as he walked behind.

Both concepts, he noted, reflect what has happened in Trinidad and Tobago - a partnership comprising people of different backgrounds and political philosophies coming together with a common purpose to defeat a leader who had lost touch with the people and who had no concern for their welfare, and a devotion to God.

He urged the nation to remember the value of unity as they work to transform the society.

Ashworth Jack, leader of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) also spoke on the unity theme. He told his audience a story with a strong message of unity. A father, he said gathered his sons - the strongest and the weakest among them - and handed the strongest a stack of wood, inviting him to break it.

The young man tried but his efforts were of no use. Then the father invited the weakest of his son to break one of the several pieces of wood that made up the stick, which his son did with very little effort. He said therein lies the greatest message of strength in unity. Jack said unity for a common purpose is the strongest weapon.  

The program included prayers and music from the various religions that make up Trinidad and Tobago's mutl-religious society, ending with a chorus involving everyone, singing the hit song composed by the late Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie: We are the world.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai