Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Letter: PP has presented the nation with rare gifts

Having since '56 experienced the PNM for over 30 years I rejoiced at their defeat in '86. 

My major concern with the victorious NAR however, all too soon materialised. I feared that their gifting of ANR Robinson with their leadership would have proven a disaster, both for them as a government and the nation as a consequence. 

History realised my worst fears. No graduate of Williams' University of Woodford Square, will ever be capable of transparent, effective and equitable leadership, a fact clearly supported by Robinson as both PM and President.

On 24/5/10 though no longer resident in the homeland I was equally euphoric at the victory of the PP, this even though it was obvious that theirs would have proven a "tough row to hoe". 

Despite, or rather in spite of, a PNM ravaged economy, the traps constantly set for them by a partisan civil service, hostile unions and an obstructive and destructive, as opposed to constructive opposition, they have nothing to apologise for after 12 months in power. 

Au contraire, no administration with as little to work with as they inherited has done as much for those most in need, as has this ruling dispensation

The nation was on the above date blest with rare gifts, the first such since 1956. 

They are, a truly caring, committed and concerned PM, a genuine and productive workaholic in Austin Jack Warner, a young brilliant and incorruptible AG in Anand Ramlogan and in Winston Dookeran, a sincere, capable and honest, if underestimated Minister of Finance. 

This in no way to devalue the contributions of the other capable and honest ministers like Rudy Moonilal, Vasant Bharath and several others. 

In comparison to what they replaced and the criticisms and unreasonable demands leveled on them from inception, it is quite obvious that T&T really does not know the meaning of government for the people. And based upon the recent polls, this is a sad indictment upon that sector of the populace still suffering the delusions inflicted upon them by the late Eric Williams. 

No single individual has ever so successfully deceived and deluded so many. Lies and distortions repeated often enough are eventually accepted as fact.

Cry the beloved country
TG Mendes | Barbados

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai