Friday, May 20, 2011

Tobago's Crown Point Airport renamed ANR Robinson International Airport

"I wish to declare that as of this moment the Crown Point International Airport which recorded its first landing in 1940 will cease to be called by that name. As of this moment (3:27pm) on Thursday May 19, 2011, this airport shall hence forth be known and called the ANR Robinson International Airport."

With those words Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar paid tribute to one of Trinidad and Tobago's most distinguished son, Arthur N.R. Robinson, who is the only person with the honour serving as both Prime Minister and President of Trinidad and Tobago.

"This is a historic occasion in more ways than one. It is the first time that an independent government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago will be naming an airport...

"To me it is an honour because this ceremony, this moment will always recreate, over and over again, a time of vital significance in history," Persad-Bissessar said.

In paying tribute to Robinson she recalled that he was the one who initiated her into politics in 1987 as an Alderman in what was then St. Patrick County Council.

She also spoke of Robinson's decision to join the United National Congress in 1995 to remove the People's National Movement from office and be a part of a coalition government in which she served as Attorney General.

"Your personal touch and intimate interactions and actions have brought me and so many of us here today to celebrate with you on this very historic occasion," she said.

The Prime Minister said the renaming of the airport seems to be consistent with both a regional and international tradition of naming places of excellence after "great ones who have walked and sat among us".

She added, "The People’s Partnership Government decided that the Honourable Arthur NR Robinson was too distinguished a gentlemen for us to endow platitudes upon him posthumously.

"So here is a man who walked with Kings and never lost the common touch. Here is a man celebrated by tribal chiefs yet one who kept his feet firmly planted to the ground. Here is a man revered by many yet loved by all. Here is the man who captures with grace and eloquence the true essence of the human spirit," Persad-Bissessar said.

"My Government recognizes that nothing symbolizes so effectively growth and development within our community as when we place those who have contributed to make life better for us to place them on the highest pedestal. To do so will in no uncertain terms signal to the rest of our community that we are a people of gratitude and of love.

"And so the memory which we wish to leave for your Excellency must be of the highest order. My Government will ensure that everyone who passes through the ANR Robinson International Airport will have a pleasurable experience to woo them back to destination, Tobago."

The Prime Minister talked about the the Runway Rehabilitation Works, the Perimeter Road and Fencing as well as the Runway Edge Lighting, all of which will be completed by August 2011.

She added that the government is making other changes to check-in srea and International Departure Hall to create an Airline First Class Business Lounge. The improved facilities are to be completed by December 2011.

"For one who will always be remembered as the protector of our democracy we propose a new and expanded terminal facility emblazoned with the words The ANR ROBINSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT stretched across the surface. 

"This is in keeping with the growth and development in Tobago and our commitment to ensure that because of your dream and vision the people of Tobago and Trinidad are well served," Persad-Bissessar said.

In addressing Robinson, she said, "The unanimous decision to rename the Crown Point International Airport after you, Sir, is significant because it makes a definitive statement about your contribution since it mattered not where we stood along the political divides, we were all in one accord when the choice of your name was presented.

"This is why we are all in celebrant mood. My Government, the Tobago House of Assembly, we are all elated to be a part of this history and establish this legacy of which generations upon generations will be proud."

Some airports named after leaders:
Norman Manley International Airport - Jamaica
Grantley Adams International Airport - Barbados
Cheddi Jaggan International Airport - Guyana
JFK International Airport - New York, USA
Pearson International Airport - Toronto, Canada
Ben Gurion International Airport - Tel Aviv, Israel
Benazir Bhutto International Airport - Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Charles de Gaulle International Airport - Paris, France
Indira Gandhi International Airport - New Delhi, India

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