Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PP celebrates one year in office with rally in Chaguanas; PNM meets in Diego Martin

The People's Partnership returns to Mid Centre Mall Tuesday evening for a celebration of its victory over the People's Partnership exactly one year ago. 

It is a celebration of the government's achievements and is titled: "An era of caring has begun. A celebration of our achievements."

Supporters will hear speeches from all the five leaders who form the coalition of interests, including Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, political leader of the United National Congress (UNC). 

The others are Winston Dookeran, Congress of the People (COP); Ashworth Jack, Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP); Errol McLeod, Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) and Makandal Daaga, National Joint Action Committee (NJAC).

UNC chairman Jack Warner is also scheduled to speak at the event, which will be jointly chaired by MPs Roodal Moonilal and Surujrattan Rambachan.

There is a big lineup of live entertainment as well. Some of the stars include Orange Sky's lead vocalist Nigel Rojas, Anil Bheem and the BMRZ band, 2011 Young King Rodney "Benjai" Le Blanc and Digicel 2010 Rising Star Neval Chatelal among others.

While the People's Partnership celebrates in Chaguanas, the opposition People's National Movement (PNM) will be holding a parallel event at the car park of the Starlite Shopping Plaza, Diego Martin.

Their theme is a "crisis facing our nation". Speakers will include Political Leader Keith Rowley, MP Amery Browne, and Senators Pennelope Beckles-Robinson and Faris Al Rawi.

The PNM said in a media release it wants to update people about what it says is the poor state of the nation under the new government. It says the rally is part of its continuing journey "to bring good governance back in our beloved country under the People's National Movement."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai