Wednesday, May 25, 2011

PM Kamla says PP remains strong, will continue to gain strength

Part of the huge crowd that attended Tuesday's PP rally at Mid Centre Mall, Chaguanas
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar told supporters Tuesday night the People's Partnership is stronger than ever despite the predictions of the prophets of doom and gloom who said it would not last.

She said contrary to what they had hoped for, the partnership is alive and well and getting stronger. And she said there is a reason for it.

"You see, when we came together to work for you it was out of a genuine desire to rid this country of a political plague that had descended on us, threatening to destroy everything this nation stood for - integrity, morality, accountability, good governance," she said.

"From Day One we understood, unlike those before us, that Trinidad and Tobago is about building alliances in a plural society.
"We understood that all of us have different concerns, that it takes more than a single political party to truly govern a nation as diverse as ours...

"We understood that we needed a formula that would allow each of us in this People’s Partnership to retain our identity and political philosophy in the interest of serving the diverse needs of our people like they have never been represented and served before.

"In effect we created a new political paradigm to give everyone a voice and a role in government.

"By keeping our individual identities and listening to various points of views from among our members we could arrive at a consensus on what is best for you the people. Yes, we argued. And yes, there were times when we disagreed. But our focus was always the same – what is best for you and this country.

"And that gave us strength and demonstrated a deep political maturity that this country has never known.

"Trinidad and Tobago had always been governed by a single dominant party that refused to share power and refused to hear any criticism even from its own caucus and membership.

"We decided to change that. We decided that there would no longer be a single dominant party.

"Our society is too complex for anyone to still believe that one political ideology would suit all of us. And so we built a philosophy on the intention and desire to share power, not to have one party in the Partnership own it all, to the exclusion of others.

"We provided space for people and entities that would never have seen the corridors of power and influence policy in this country.
"Behind each of the groups that make up our People’s Partnership are followers who can have their dreams and aspirations addressed through our coalition.

"My sisters and brothers, this meant that at times when we argued and disagreed we did it for you because in a democracy, dissent is strength, not a weakness.

"This is the culture change that we have brought to the politics of this country and we are the living evidence that such a change is not only possible but it works.

"We have walked the talk … and we are here today as one family, united in our purpose to serve you 24/7.

"That is the pledge we made to you when we asked you to trust us to take control of your government; that is the pledge we have kept in our first year and that is the pledge that will guide us in the years to come.

"You have my solemn word that so long as you entrust me with the leadership of our country I will always serve you first, second and last. My mantra will remain service.

"No government is ever perfect. After all, we are all humans.

"The difference between our people’s partnership and governments that came before us is that we know how to listen. We listen to your concerns and we respond to your needs.

"The dissent that may have caused some of you concerns about whether we would remain together has been good for us and for you.

"And I want to assure you that it will not fracture us, but instead it will strengthen us because we cannot share power and expect everyone to agree. Families argue but in the end they do what’s best for the family. Consensus is our style, not domination.

"We will never tell you "who don't like it could get to hell out of here". You will never hear anyone in your government tell you to shut up because “The Prime Minister has spoken”.

"In order to make meaningful change you have to believe in it and make it a part of your psyche. What our country needed most was a change in the style of leadership. And that is what we offered you one year ago.

"And when we came to you and asked you to endorse our plan to save this country more than four hundred thousand of you gave us your support … and my sisters and brothers we shall never forget that history-making event … and we shall never forget that you come first."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai