Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kamla thanks PP leadership, pledges to build a new nation where everyone is equal

Kamla Persad-Bissessar thanked her fellow leaders in the People's Partnership Tuesday night and expressed her gratitude as well to members of her own party for entrusting her with the leadership.

And she pledged that she will never let them down. She said their support was what started a people’s revolution that is "unprecedented in our country’s history".

She also reminded everyone to stay focused and to let God be the guide for the nation as the partnership begins its second year in  government.

"I urge you to help our people’s partnership build a new society where we would have dialogue instead of conflict…let us converse, not quarrel," she said.

"Join me as we come together collectively and rebuild the proverbial village that nurtures and raises every child.

"My vision for our country is one where family extends beyond the home and into the community…

"It is a vision where we give more than we receive; charity need not be in monetary form alone.

"The greatest charity we can give is to be each other’s keeper, to stand together to help one another.

"My vision is one that sees our people celebrating that which brings us together, not what sets us apart … a vision of a new society that we fashion with discipline and where we open our doors to one another and welcome the best human values.

"It is a vision of a new society with respect for each other and the preservation of human dignity…

"It is a vision to lead a country where the poorest have the same opportunity as the most affluent, where we treat the differently abled with respect, where we care for the elderly with dignity for their contribution through their sweat and toil in field and factory …

"It is the vision of a society where every family has a home, where no one goes hungry, where the entire community raises every child as its own, where every woman and every child and every elderly person are respected, where everyone who wants a job can acquire one, where people are rewarded and acknowledged in accordance with their respective contributions…

"My vision for our nation is one where our government is guided by the highest moral values and ethics, where government is accountable to the people …

"It is a vision where the media must be free to report and probe as a fourth estate of governance, to be the guardians of democracy to generate debate and discussion on matters of national interest on which citizens can act…

"It is a vision of continuing service to you the people …

"As a mother and grandmother I know the value of love and compassion … and as I leave you tonight, I pledge embrace everyone in unity, so that we will live as one family, under God, enjoying the bounty of our land.

"We must never again engage in divisiveness …we must always celebrate our diversity and our rich heritage.

"Let us live together, dream dreams together and build a nation of equals where each of us would be free and free from fear.

"Tonight all of us in our People’s partnership renew our pledge to serve you … Thank you for you support and your loyalty.

"We will not fail you.

"And this is the legacy I want to bequeath to you the foundations on which that legacy is built; not a nation of high rise buildings but a nation of high aspirations, not a nation of boastful summits but a nation of substance and worth.

"Not a third world developing nation but a nation as small as we are who could take their rightful place on the world stage.

"And I close with this heart-warming story of a little girl who looked up and asked me whether I was the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago.

"She looked a lot like I did when I was her age, about six years old.

"I replied that I was just like her at one time but yes that I did grow up to become Prime Minister. She then asked me why I wanted to be Prime Minister.

"And looking at her there, innocent, wide eyed with wonder, full of promise and hope, I answered, “for you, sweetheart, just for you.”

"And that is really why I am here today.

"So it is I ask you, do you believe in the dream of a better Trinidad and Tobago?
Do you believe in the People’s Partnership? And most of all, do you believe in yourselves?

"Well, let us join hands and in the words of Mahatma Gandhi, become the change we want to see around us.

"And so I ask you once more to put God in front and let us walk behind … and let us live the way the Almighty meant it to be – one family, dedicated to our mother Trinidad and Tobago," she said.

Persad-Bissessar ended by quoting the lines of an inspirational song.

"I just can't give up now
I've come too far from where I started from
Nobody told me the road would be easy
and I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me
No you didn't bring me out here to leave me lonely
Even when I can't see clearly
I know that you are with me (so I can't)
I just can't give up now
I've come too far from where I started from
Nobody told me the road would be easy
and I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai