Friday, May 27, 2011

Manning's "democracy" march causing cracks in PNM unity

Patrick Manning's march to San Fernando is turning into a battle between the former and present leaders of the People's National Movement.

Manning started his protest march from the Red House on Wednesday afternoon, making the first stop at the Croisee in San Juan. On Friday, the PNM "walkers" will start their journey from the junction of the Uriah Butler and Churchill-Roosevelt highways.

The intention is to conclude the "march for democracy" at Harris Promenade on May 31, where Manning will hold a public meeting.

The party is asking its leader Keith Rowley to declare his position on the Manning protest against his suspension from Parliament. Only one member of the parliamentary caucus joined Manning when he started the march Wednesday.

"What is your position with regards to the March for justice, freedom & equality?" the party asked Rowley in an Internet posting. "Would all twelve members of Parliament stand on the "Platform for Democracy" in San Fernando on Tuesday May 31, 2011? Your people want to see a United PNM!"
Manning's supporters are calling on the PNM MPs "to stand and show support for our colleague, Mr. Patrick Manning. Let us take to the streets together. Today it is Mr. Manning, tomorrow it could be any one of you!"

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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