Friday, May 27, 2011

Lee Sing blames Manning for T&T's problems, says former PM should open church and preach

Port-of-Spain mayor Louis Lee Sing told reporters at City Hall Thursday former prime minister Patrick Manning must accept blame for the current state of affairs in Trinidad and Tobago.

Lee Sing called Manning’s seven-day "democracy march" foolishness and added that those "who continue to follow Mr Manning like Karen Tesheira, Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, Gary Hunt" should know better and recognise that "the population is tired with that kind of thing.”

Lee Sing said he always supported Manning when he was political leader. However he added, “Whether people want to accept it or not, the responsibility for the state of the country today rests squarely in the laps of Patrick Mervyn Augustus Manning.”

He said Manning should just go home, open his church and preach the gospel. Manning is on record as saying that when he retired from politics he would become a preacher.

Lee Singh was also critical of the People's Partnership government. However he praised Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner.

“One thing I can say about Minister Warner is that whenever I sit with him I get a good sense that there will be progress,” he told reporters. He said like Warner, he likes to get the job done.

The mayor called on Warner to do what is necessary to help prevent flooding in the city. He said the city has taken a decision to begin the process of cleaning out all the clogged underground arteries.

“We know, too, that the rains are about to be upon us and one of our main water courses—the East Dry River and in particular, those parts leading directly into Piccadilly Street are still not cleaned,” he said.

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