Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fifa's Warner and Bin Hamman deny any wrongdoing

Fifa presidential candidate Mohamed Bin Hammam and vice president Jack Warner have denied wrongdoing with respect to allegations that both men tried to bribe members of the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) to get votes for Bn Hammam in next week's presidential election.

Fifa is conducting disciplinary proceedings against the two of them based on a report passed to the world football body by executive committee member Chuck Blazer making the bribery allegations.

Bin Hammam has called the development "a difficult and painful day for me".

In his personal website he said, "If there is even the slightest justice in the world, these allegations will vanish in the wind. This move is little more than a tactic being used by those who have no confidence in their own ability to emerge successfully from the FIFA Presidential election.

“I remain deeply indebted to Mr. Warner for his sense of Fair Play because without his support and understanding I would not have been able to meet with several important Member Associations of Fifa to discuss my election manifesto.

“I completely deny any allegations of wrongdoing either intentionally or unknowingly while I was in the Caribbean.

Warner invited Bin Hammam to Port of Spain to make a presentation to regional football executives as part of his campaign for the Fifa presidency. He did it in order to give all the candidates a chance to make their presentations.

Bin Hammam was unable to make his presentation in Florida because the United States declined his application for a visa. 

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai