Monday, May 16, 2011

Anil throws his hat in the ring to lead COP, says party dying and lost touch with people

Anil Roberts made it official Sunday - he wants to lead the Congress of the Party to breathe new life back into the People's Partnership member, which he described as a party that is "dying" and "lost its way".

The Sports Minister spoke with supporters at COP's Operations Centre in Charlieville. The internal election is on July 3.

"The COP must return to the principles espoused by the leader Winston Dookeran of new politics, of bottom up not top down," Roberts said. 

"We have lost our way and right now within the next six weeks the Congress of the People will find its way back to its roots with all the people who believed in the vision of Winston Dookeran and we going back there."

He claimed that COP is today not connecting with the people who bought into the party's vision of new politics.

"The party is dying because the loyal supporters are feeling that their voices are not being heard. We have to bring the people back in charge, the people are in charge," Roberts said.

He said a rejuvenated COP would help make the People's Partnership stronger and he rejected suggestions that the party has not been treated fairly within the Partnership Government.

"We cannot blame others, we must look within ourselves. We have not represented our people well," he insisted.

Roberts is the only candidate in the race at the present time, challenging party leader Winston 
Dookeran. He is encouraging others to contest the post. 

COP elects its leader through a one-member, one-vote system that is also used by its political partner in the government, the United National Congress. 

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai