Thursday, March 3, 2011

Police Association meets with PM for "cordial" talks but 5% is final ofer

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar met on Wednesday morning with Anand Ramesar, President of the Police Social and Welfare Association, and members of his executive.

The government team included Minister of National Security, Brigadier,Senator John Sandy and Minister of Labour Errol Mc Leod.

Prior to the meeting Persad-Bissessar had said she would listen to their concerns but would not be in any position to negotiate since that responsibility is outside of her jurisdiction.

Speaking with reporters later in the day at Kiddies Carnival celebration in Penal, she said she told the police executive that the five per cent offer is final but did not enagage in any form of negotiation.

"We indicated our position with the five per cent and they will go back again, they will have to talk to the CPO to negotiate with the CPO. I indicated to them, as we have been saying to everyone, we really cannot move from that at this point in time, given the economic situation, the economic reality."

She added, "I trust that we will have a safe Carnival and I did not get the feeling that they will be falling ill and they will continue to do their duty to protect and serve."

Police have been staging sickouts to press demands for more pay. The police are asking for a 40 per cent increase in their salaries.

Their discussions "were conducted in an atmosphere of cordiality," a media release from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) stated. Persad-Bissessar assured them that their concerns and the issues raised at the meeting would be considered.

However she cautioned that whatever is to be done must be in the context of the Government’s ability to act.

Speaking with reporters following the meeting Ramesar said police would be out in full force for Carnival.

"We are working for Carnival. Very sensitive issues were discussed and we are satisfied with the way the discussion went and we feel there is an opportunity for police officers to move forward at this time.

"We are satisfied at this point that our issues are going to be considered at this point in time," Ramesar said. He did not give further details.
Wage negotiations will resume with the CPO on March 16.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai