Friday, March 4, 2011

Duke wants $1M for "false imprisonment" in CB compound

Watson Duke claims that he was locked up at the Central Bank on Thursday and is demanding $1 million in compensation for false imprisonment.

However the bank denies that the president of the Public Services Association (PSA) was held against his will.

Duke told reporters he went to the Central Bank compound to try to schedule a meeting with Finance Minister Winston Dookeran to ask for more time to consult with his members about Government's latest offer of five per cent offer for the period 2008 to 2010m with a lump sum payment of $2,000.

"We entered the compound here about 1 p.m., with the sole intent of making an appointment to see the Minister of Finance. Unfortunately, when I entered the gate the security allowed me to enter, as soon as I turned the corner, I heard clicks. When I looked back, I saw a locked gate," Duke said.

"It took me approximately 45 minutes to open the gate, and they would not let me out despite my protests to come out. I called my lawyer who then dispatched a young, bright group of attorneys here."

Duke added, "It is clearly a case of false imprisonment, and we are considering taking charges against them. An unarmed man enters a building to conduct business of the people and I get lock up. They have no regard for my time, whether I have an emergency at home or anything."

"They just chose to lock me up and release me when they want. So we are asking for $1 million for being locked up for 45 minutes..."

Duke eventually left the bank's premises after four lawyers from Trinity Chambers and police officers from the Guard and Emergency Branch intervened.

The Central Bank issued a statement Thursday night in which it said it wished to “categorically deny holding Mr. Duke or anyone else against their will.”

The Bank said Duke was asked to leave the premises by another exit point “because several of the PSA members were standing outside of the gate that Mr. Duke was asking to use to exit the plaza.”

The statment added that Duke declined on several occasions to leave through the exit he was offered, insisting that he should leave through the exit where his comrades were gathered.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai