Friday, March 4, 2011

Duke and PSA members "invade" Hyatt

Scores of public sector workers invaded the terrace of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port of Spain Thursday led by the president of the Public Services Association (PSA), Watson Duke who demanded imported water, lunch menus, use of the toilet facilities and that a cow be barbecued “for we.”

Duke announced on a bullhorn, “I paying tax for this hotel" as surprised Carnival guests looked on.

Media reports said Duke asked for water, which he promptly dumped and demanded imported water. The hotel obliged.

The Newsday newspaper reported: "Duke then asked for the lunch menu. Then he urged protesters to use the hotel’s luxury toilet facilities, which they did..."

Newsday spoke with Hyatt General Manager Russell George who said, “Mr Duke came into the hotel with a group of people. He asked for beverages. He paid his bill and he left. We served him to the best of our ability.”

George said that operations at the hotel and its guests were not particularly inconvenienced. Newsday said Duke first asked for goat meat, then for a whole cow to be barbecued. The bill for the service came up to just over $2,000, the paper reported.

The action at the hotel was one of several stunts planned by the PSA during the month of March to press demands for what Duke calls "a living wage". The government has said its best offer is five per cent but Duke is demanding "double digits" without saying what final figure is acceptable.

Earlier in the week PSA members staged an all night vigil outside the Red House following demonstrations in Port-of-Spain.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai