Friday, February 11, 2011

Zero tolerance for alcohol at Kiddies Carnival

The National Carnival Bands Association (NCBA) has set a zero tolerance policy for alcohol for this year's Kiddies Carnival.

Chairman of the association Samuel Lewis told media Thursday any adult, including band officials and parents, found consuming alcohol in any band during the Junior Parade of the Bands on Carnival Saturday, will be thrown out of the band and will be asked to leave the parade route.

Lewis said the measure is to show children the right way to live and have a good time.

NCBA president David Lopez endorsed the policy, and urged police and legal authorities to ensure that no bar licences allowing the sale of alcohol be issued to vendors along the parade route on the day of the parade.

However, Lopez made it clear that the NCBA can only instruct parents and people involved in the bands to follow the no-alcohol rules.

"I am calling on the police and legal authorities to execute the laws on alcohol being available during the Junior Parade of the Bands. Don't profit by destroying the future of the young.

"It's the parents that drink alcohol in the bands on the day set aside for the children. It's the parents that encourage the kids to gyrate in certain ways," said Lopez.

Lopez is also planning to censor the music for the event by [publishing a "Don't play list" for DJs. He said any DJ failing to follow the rules would be dropped for future years.

Republic Bank is sponsoring the Junior Parade of the Bands with an annual contribution of $500,000 to the NCBA on the condition that $150,000 will go to the Mas Academy.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai