Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warner slams Rowley, says PNM is politically bankrupt

Jack Warner on Saturday slammed opposition leader Keith Rowley for what he called Rowley's "eternal ranting..on issues surrounding the Strategic Services Agency (SSA)".

In a media release in his capacity as Chairman of the United National Congress (UNC) Warner noted that Rowley continues to keep his focus on the SSA issues "in the face of a more than reasonable explanation from the nation's Prime Minister".

He said Rowley's attitude points "to a Leader fighting against the tide and clinging on to political wind for survival."

Warner added, "At a time when the country breathes a sigh of relief to serious crime, a major dent to unemployment, rapid relief to traffic congestion without rapid rail and social services delivery at its very best, the Opposition Leader struggles to find form as a batsman and is on a series of "political ducks".

"In the last nine months Dr. Rowley in his role as Opposition Leader has displayed an unfortunate tendency to depart from the much respected principles which he advocated as a Government backbencher," Warner added.

The UNC chairman said it was Rowley who in his previous political incarnation had "whistle-blowed" on Calder Hart and Udecott. "It was Rowley who as captain of his own ship promised the court martial against the proponents of corruption and mismanagement. That Rowley is no more," Warner said.

He described the new Rowley as someone who "shovels into political sand, finds nothing of value to combat Government's performance and so chooses to be as politically repetitious as a stuck gramophone record.

"Saying one thing one day and doing another is contradiction at its best and consummate political schizophrenia.

"He continues to betray the ideals of the role and function of an opposition party in a civilised democracy.

"The Westminster/Whitehall model of politics to which Trinidad and Tobago subscribes is founded on a well-established principle that the role of the Opposition is to act as a second arm of the State and to effectively perform its functions as if it were the alternative Government.

"An alternative Government, as was the UNC nine months ago, exists not merely to oppose but to propose.

"In nine months however, the Opposition PNM has offered little proposals for nation building. The PNM's political bankruptcy and ineptitude as an Opposition can only be compared to its own incompetence when it had control of the economy," Warner said.

He added, "The People's Partnership remains unfazed however by this diatribe. We are satisfied that our accomplishments in nine months have measured with our own expectations. We are satisfied that we have created hope patriotism and inspiration to a nation that was depressed and dispirited.

"That reality for a better "Trin-bago" sits on the horizon, not to be challenged by an Opposition party in political decay and fighting for its own survival."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai