Friday, February 11, 2011

Some T&T soldiers object to mandatory HIV testing

Soldiers in the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force are objecting to an order that they undergo mandatory HIV testing.

Chief of Defence Staff Brigadier Col Roland Maundy made the order on January 14 for a six-week period. Media reports say members of the Coast Guard and Air Guard have already been tested.

Maundy told the Trinidad Express the testing is for a research project. The paper said its sources reported that testing was initially being done on a voluntary basis. However, Maundy made it mandatory, subjecting himself to testing as well.

The Express said several members of the Regiment are refusing to take the tests, claiming that to do so would violate their rights. Sources have said some of them are even contemplating retaining legal counsel, the paper said.

The Express said officials from the U.S. Walter Reed Military Hospital are conducting the tests along with personnel of the Family Planning Association and the University of the West Indies.

The paper quoted Warrant Officer Kenneth DeBique as saying that the objective of the testing "is to generate the most comprehensive and complete data possible on the prevalence of HIV and HIV-related infections and associated behaviours related to sexual and reproductive health within the Force.

"The data from this initiative is intended to inform the development and implementation of programmes for the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS and HIV-related infections among Defence Force personnel and their families...The data collected will also provide the Chief of Defence Staff with an idea of the operational readiness of the Force."

DeBique said Maundy will ensure that the confidentiality of each service member is preserved.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai