Monday, February 21, 2011

Letters: An EXPRESS bias?

The way the Express newspapers continue to hound Reshmi Ramnarine, you’d swear the whole thing was personal or that her name was Calder Hart and she had stolen billions from TT.

For weeks now Camini Maharaj has been“investigating” the “Reshmi” matter, long after the nation has closed the book on it. Now the news is that the young lady is on vacation from her job. What exactly is wrong with that?

But the Reshmi story is simply a pattern emerging from the CCN Group that citizens are noting with interest.

The way the Express finding fault with the Government, you’d be forgiven for thinking the media house was close buddies with the PNM, especially after seeing photos of Ken Gordon at the side of Keith Rowley more than once. 

Trouble is, we never knew who was running the SIA or the FIA during the PNM time because the country was kept in the dark about everything.

Maybe Camini could do a probe into what is stalling the Calder Hart case. The country is more interested in where we money gone rather than where the lady gone.

Ann Marie Edwards

The Editor,
Trinidad Express

I am writing with regards to your story in today's (Feb 21) issue captioned "Still at SSA, Reshmi takes a vacation”.

Your newspaper has attempted to keep this issue on the front burners of the national political agendas even though this is now a literal “dead story.” 

This matter has been dealt with in full in Parliament. The Prime Minister took full responsibility for any shortcomings, apologized and appointed a new Director. What other information or story are you looking for? 

Every line of your story has been already printed in previous reporting by your newspaper, so, with the exception that Reshmi Ramnarine “is on vacation”, what new information is the Express reporting?

I am left to wonder whether your newspaper’s continued harbouring of this story is an attempt to agitate and stir up national discontent with the Government. Whose interests does it serve to continue with this story? 

The perception here is your newspaper has formed some sort of alliance with the PNM to create a state of anarchy and destabilize this Government; there can be no other explanation for the “day in/day out” bashing of the Government, misrepresentation of the facts and refusing to print anything that appears to be pro-PP Government.

I wholeheartedly advocate the freedom of the press, but at the same time, I expect that the same “free press” will be neutral and unbiased in its reporting and will be “above partisan” politics.

Capil Bissoon

To the Trinidad Express:

Dear sir,

Inform those who pull your strings in pursuit of their own personal political and economic agendas - those barons of the boardroom and the PNM opposition that you are so mischievously serving that by belaboring the Reshmi Ramnarine issue you have all, overplayed your hands and exposed yourselves for what they have always been. 

By your role in that ignoble process you have squandered whatever credibility you might once have enjoyed. You are all stuck in a time warp. This is 2011, not 2001. Those that fail to recognise this will pay for their myopia. 

The nation voted convincingly on 24/5/10. Do you really believe that by exploiting public gullibility via the iniquities and discontent that the PP inherited from the PNM, you can really turn back the march of National reconstruction and progress for all? If so, think again!.

This is not 2001, Robinson is no longer in a position to prostitute the majority vote on behalf of your masters. There is no hung parliament, only shameful revelations of PNM abuses of both power and patrimony. 

Kamla is not Basdeo Panday, so you and your puppet masters had better either join the march of progress, or be trampled in the rush. T&T has paid too bloody a price since 24/12/01 to be deluded by either "business as usual", prostituted sentiments of "morality, spirituality and the rule of law" or decisions of "Solmonic wisdom".

So come better! While I expect from you, neither publication nor comment, you could do worse for your masters than acquaint them with the foregoing--particularly those that manipulate you from the privacy of their board rooms.

TG Mendes

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