Monday, February 7, 2011

Letter: Give PP government a chance to govern

So the damage has been done!

A legitimate government, given the overwhelming mandate to govern by a people longing to get away from a horrendous past, is now being hounded at every corner despite acknowledging its mistake and promising to learn from it and do better, so much so that everything it decides to do is being objected to or scrutinised to the fullest.
  • It cannot now build a highway to Point Fortin which will provide jobs and benefit the people along the way because another group wants the money involved
  • The choice of the South for a faculty of law to serve the young people of that part of the country is flawed because of the "demographics", whatever the insinuation behind such a reason
  • Its young Attorney General, brilliant as a lawyer and full of the fire to rid this country of the mess which has been perpetrated on it, has now become the butt of criticism in the eyes of those who would only see his faults and not his capacity for the future
  • It cannot now make the appointment of the head of the SSA which should now be given to Parliament, giving up a prerogative which every other government has enjoyed in the past
And the list can go on and on!

Every Tom , Dick, Beharry and Shalini is claiming the right to point fingers at it because of its growing pains.

But this Government must turn disaster into good fortune in that its mistakes which now have it on the cross must be the bitter pill that must purge it into renewal.

For the future it must show the resolve of an administration elected to do a job and demonstrate its competence so to do by making decisions which can stand up not only to the approbation of its supporters but to the scrutiny of, not only its enemies, but all those who are looking at its performance with a critical eye.

Dr Errol Benjamin | via e-mail

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai