Friday, February 11, 2011

Letter: DPP Gasparad has a lot to answer

It was with great astonishment that I read of the Director of Public Prosecutions' statement regarding Attorney General Anand Ramlogan.

Now my issue is not with the AG, but with DPP Roger Gaspard.

As a tax-paying citizen of this country, I expect that holders of high office such as the DPP and the AG do the job that they have sworn to do and are being paid to do.

Now I understand the AG cannot lay charges, so this matter rests with Mr Gaspard and his office—what is he doing?

The nation awaits with bated breath on the following matters, Mr DPP:

1. Probe ordered by then Deputy DPP Carla Browne-Antoine since March 20, 2009, into allegations of abuse of office regarding use of inside information by then Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira and Central Bank Governor Ewart Williams regarding CLICO Investment Bank.

2. Probe into the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd and Calder Hart since March 9, 2010, by DPP Gaspard.

3. Investigation into the Yasin Abu Bakr affidavit: claims were first made in an affidavit in June 2006, recommended to be investigated May 2009, and DPP Gaspard has been reviewing the file since July 2009.

4. Probe into Heights of Guanapo Church and Rev Juliana Pena: ongoing since May, 15, 2010.

5. Investigations into CLICO/ CL Financial since January 2009.

6. Investigation into a complaint forwarded by the Integrity Commission to the DPP since July 2010 on the issue of an application for a radio licence involving the Maha Sabha and the then Manning government.

When can we get some answers and updates on these important national matters DPP?

Sherma Fitzwillams | via e-mail

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai