Monday, January 3, 2011

Jack delivers more than predecessor, wants to do more

Jack Warner told the Express newspaper Sunday he delivered more than any of his predecessors during his seven months in office as Works and Transport Minister.

He made the comment in an informal chat with the paper at a media luncheon he hosted at his home. "These seven months have, in many ways, been rewarding for me personally. It was an achievement to serve the country," he said.

"I've paved more roads than any Minister of Works in the history of this country over the same period, I repaired more bridges, I built more box drains, I was able to carry the PTSC buses to rural areas, where they have never gone before. I was able to open up the bus route to more motorists to ease traffic on the highway and on the Eastern Main Road," he said.

"I was also able to improve some work on the port in Tobago and also the air link from Tobago to Trinidad. I was able to fix some of the trenches on the highway," he added.

The Chaguanas West MP also spoke about his activities in his constituency where he said he sees an average of 200 people every week at his constituency office. He said he has extended his connection with the people at his ministry office as well where he sees people from four in the morning to about 7.30 a.m.

Warner would like to do more but he noted that there are many challenges to overcome. He said an example is his attempt to install a cable median on the country's main highways.
He explained that he got cabinet approval for the project in June but his technocrats have advised him that the project would take a year to complete.

"I am going back to my ministry and my technocrats and insist this cannot work. They have to bring this early because lives are being lost," he said.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai