Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jack congratulates PM Kamla on being named Express 'Person of the Year'

Jack Warner and Kamla Persad-Bissessar during the May 2010 general election campaign
The Chairman of the United National Congress on Saturday publicly congratulated Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissesssar who has been named by the Trinidad Express as its Person of the Year.

JYOTI has named the People's Partnership leadership as its 'Person of the Year', citing the leadership of the Prime Minister.

Read the story: JYOTI's Person of the Year 2010: The People's Partnership

In a letter to Persad-Bissessar Jack Warner said, "It could not have happened to a nicer person and for this I wish to extend congratulations to you having achieved the platitude of “Individual of the Year, 2010.”

He added, "Those who know you well will never be surprised because we knew if someone can do it that someone is you. In a world that is constantly trying to redefine you and make you someone else you have remained true to your ideals and loyal to your values; that my Prime Minister is an achievement.

"When obstacles were heaped along your path rather than complain or murmur you found a way to rise beyond those impediments; that too my Prime Minister is an achievement.

"The year 2010 belongs to you, as it was the beginning of your mission to bring sanity to a State gone mad. You withstood the criticisms, the character assassinations, and the questions concerning your abilities but with dignity and humility you laboured on. 

"Today, we all can say that the fruits of your labour are sweet and I can add that you thoroughly deserve them.

"It is in this regard that I wish to applaud you and thank you for the wonderful job you have done so far and the wonderful job which you continue to do. May today’s success become the platform for tomorrow’s achievement and may you remain firmly planted on the pedestal God has granted to you.

"Finally, again I wish to congratulate you on your achievement as "Personality of the Year, 2010” and to re-emphasize that it could not have happened to a nicer person and that you thoroughly deserve it.

"Congratulations to you my leader and friend."

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

Mamaguy.. Flattery is an appeal to a person's lower nature - Plutarch.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai