Monday, January 24, 2011

George,Volney OK WASA fete; EMA to monitor event for better noise control

All OK...stage under construction for Saturday's WASA fete
The WASA fete will go ahead as planned at its usual venue on Saturday.

A deal to let the event go ahead was reached with the promoters of the annual carnival fete at St Joseph after Public Utilities Minister Emmanuel George intervened.

Justice Minister Herbert Volney had taken the matter to court to demand that the fete be stopped on the grounds that the noise would disturb newborn babies at the neighbouring Mt Hope hospital as well as staff of the institution and people who live in the area.

The court matter was supposed to be concluded this week. Another cabinet minister, Anil Roberts, had tried to resolve the impasses between Volney and the promoters by offering two alternative venues. However, George met with Volney and the two ministers arrived a suitable settlement.

He told the Trinidad Express, "I think that a lot of people will be happy to know that we have arrived at a compromise in the spirit of the Carnival in a sensible way. After all I was a justice for many years and I know at the end of the day justice must be served to all and I think that we have arrived at a just solution."

Volney said the matter "was resolved between us with the clear understanding that the People's Partnership Government is about inclusion and not marginalising any elements in the society.

"In that regard we agree that the party will go on, however, the undertaking was given that some of the areas of complaints lodged by me in my objection will be addressed by the promoters and the minister has assured me that the promoters will face all speakers and music boxes in the direction away from the hospital."

He also stated that the promoters have agreed to hire a sound engineer "in order to ensure that the law as regards noise pollution and acceptable levels is effected in order to bring the party under the requirements and stipulations with the Environmental Management Authority."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai